Night Menu

Night Menu
Leading people to 24-Hour McDonald's by turning a street into a late-night menu.
To promote McDonald’s role as the only late-night food option, we created a multi-site installation that turned a Bangkok neighborhood into a giant late-night menu. Our work activated consumers by giving them a late-night street art tour through all the iconic menu items on the way to the nearest 24-hour McDonald’s.
McDonald’s wanted to extend their existing ‘Loving the Night’ campaign, a series of print ads that focused on adding more color to people’s nights. To reach our target audience of night-loving youths, night workers and tourists, we decided to bring the campaign to life on the streets. By harnessing the street culture of the night, we could speak to our audience in an authentic and unique voice.
This project was developed in collaboration with TBWA\Thailand and TBWA\Malaysia.